The survey shows that the containment efforts have strongly disrupted Swedish companies’ 操作 in the country, 消极地影响他们的短, 中期, 以及长期前景.

The survey should be seen as a supplement to the more holistic annual Business Climate Survey for Swedish companies in 中国, 将最近的流行病控制措施对业务的影响隔离开来.  然而, it is worth noting that there are several other factors that also have an impact on business decisions and results.

4月19日至22日, 2022, Business ag体育官网 and the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in 中国 (SwedCham) conducted a joint flash survey on the impact of the recent COVID-19 outbreaks on Swedish businesses in 中国. 瑞士商会的120家会员公司参与了调查.


The current COVID-19 outbreaks in several major cities across 中国 have strongly disrupted Swedish companies’ 操作 in the country. Lockdowns and tightened quarantine measures have had an impact on the operation and business performance of most companies in the short-term.

  • 生产制造: 86 per cent of all companies reported a negative impact (options 2-5 on a 1-5 scale) on their 生产 and manufacturing, 34%的人认为影响很严重(5).
  • 供应链: 79%的企业表示,它们的供应链受到了负面影响, 25%的人认为影响很严重. 受打击最严重的是消费品公司和大型工业公司, 对他们来说,对供应链的负面影响分别为100%和94%, 分别.
  • 收入: 89%的公司报告其收入受到了负面影响, 32%的人认为影响很严重. Only 2 per cent of industrial companies did not report any negative impact on their revenues due to the recent COVID-19 outbreaks.



中期前景, the uncertainties from the outbreaks and containment measures have prompted Swedish companies to reexamine their investments in 中国 and expectations on the market.

  • 投资计划: 68%的企业表示,它们的投资计划受到了负面影响, 14%的人认为影响很严重. 除了, 68 per cent of respondents said the recent outbreaks had affected their view of the Chinese market negatively, with almost one in five companies (19 per cent) describing the market as significantly less attractive.
  • 外国人员安排: 在所有公司中,66%的公司表示,它们的外籍员工受到了负面影响, 25%的人认为影响很严重. The extra toll that the combination of international travel restrictions and strict local lockdowns take on foreign staff are mentioned by several companies, who cite concerns about how issues of retaining foreign staff will affect company 操作 down the line.

展望未来, 82 per cent of companies said they are considering some preventive measures to be able to better deal with future outbreaks, 包括增加安全储备(36%), 寻找替代交通解决方案(35%), 供应商基础多样化(30%). 方便员工在家工作, 这是ag体育官网公司在ag体育官网采取的普遍措施, 四分之一的公司(26%)正在计划.

对于大型工业公司, 除了其他预防措施, 41 per cent of respondents said they are assessing the possibility of shifting work away from 中国. An additional 19 per cent  said they are looking at moving regional functions out of the country. For all companies, the corresponding numbers are 23 per cent and 13 per cent, 分别.

Preventative measures considered by Swedish companies to manage future local outbreaks in 中国 -- top 5Prev_measures.png


直到最近爆发的, 以及随后的封锁, 中国市场在一定程度上支持北京的零冠政策. 但是,随着世界其他地区正在学会与疫情共存, foreign businesses in 中国 are becoming increasingly frustrated with the government’s approach and its impact on their bottom lines. 当前政策放松的不确定性, Swedish companies in 中国 need to start planning for how they can best minimise the negative impact of future containment measures and lockdowns to continue thriving in the Chinese market.

这场大流行病告诉我们,预测未来是非常困难的, and right now there is a high level of uncertainty with regards to both deployment of containment measures as well as the long-term economic impact. But companies need to be prepared for external events triggering a rapid impact on both the supply and demand side. 这一点不仅体现在大流行应对措施上, 但也通过活动,如 中国的电力中断 2021年秋天. 即使确切的解决方案取决于业务性质和价值链配置, 明智的做法是:a)为了做好准备而进行情景规划, b)多样化以减少影响. 把所有的鸡蛋放在一个篮子里很少是明智的策略, 也没有任何计划,当篮子破裂时如何转移鸡蛋. If your company has not  already examined how to mitigate and respond to similar situations, 现在也许是这样做的好时机. 唯一确定的是,未来仍然不确定.